Prime Minister and President Election::Does it require Change?

A New Topic of Discussion has come up in between Indian Intellectual Class called as Electoral Reforms. This topic of discussion will decide Success of India as Democracy and India as a Nation.
Currently the Election of Prime Minister and President is not done directly by the Voters. It is done by the Representatives Elected by Voters. I think this way of Electing Public Servants with Supreme powers is not a good idea rather than this he should be elected directly by Voters.
Three ways to support and describe how it is going to work:-
1. The Supreme Leader should be Representative of Voters not the Representative of Party, Hence Party Politics would be below in his criteria.
2. The Prime Minister or the Presidents could be reelected indifferent from the elections of other MP and he has to later fight the General Election from one of the Constituency to become an MP. Hence Choice of the Supreme Leader means he would be more interested in completing people expectations rather than Party.
3. The Prime Minister or the President should be Elected from a non-Political Background as this would make efficient and clean people coming in front for this job.
President Election if kept with the same way of election should have following changes
1. Voting must be made in non-disclosing ballot boxes as this would make sure the transperacy and fearless votes by the representatives of the states and no after effects for those representatives which are not following the Party Whip.
2. The Political Parties should not be allowed to issue whip during elections.
3. Multiple Candidates could be scruitnised based on the rounds of elections by the people and they be asked to stand again in the elections in front of th reprentatives of people (MPs, MLAs) and the finalist would be the President of India.
By these ways atleast Prime Minister and President Elections could be made Clear and slowly rest all Election Methodology could be changed.

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