It is a daunting task to handle a change and if it is related to career it may land you in no
Goliath Roller Coaster (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
where land(no rear no forward). The biggest challenge a professional face while making a change is the comfort of the current job. I believe that everyone should go through this pain because as the famous saying goes “Beyond fear lies Victory” to come out of the comfort zone and to take the roller coaster ride of alteration in Job. May be its change in profile, or change in job location, or change in company altogether. But the challenge remains the same. How to come out of the cocoon of comfort that we have made inside our mind. I am listing here those Golden Steps which may ease hiccups of this Roller Coaster.
Take note of your Priorities
Take a self analysis before jumping to conclusion on an unknown field. Taking a punt is quiet easy but undoing is very difficult. Hence the essence is take calculative steps. Understand first that how the new job role is going to add on to your current experience. If the answer is yes it makes a difference and the new role fits your previous job experience there is no harm in sliding into this valley. But remember sliding into a snow valley doesn’t mean that the rider should be completely unaware of the terrain. Enlist your current competencies and map it with the anticipated challenges in the new role. If both of them matches a bit you can tighten your seat belt for this ride.