Factors Affecting Google Page Ranking-54/200- Bullets and Numbered Lists

Bullets and numbered lists is the best way to present your post and formatting your whole idea in a list streamlines your post and thus you are able to deliver the content in right order. Right order means that your idea starts from A of your post proceeds to B and than ends at Z. This way the order of the ideas are in symmetry thus it is good as an author and it is fair as a reader to see the thought process of the author. So if you are a reader you would like to read post with thoughts in right order. But What if you are not orderly in thought these tips will come handy while writing a post:-

1. Write the content without worrying about the symmetry, this is a outer line of your post.

2. Now move into the inner line describe the points which you listed above.

3. Rephrase the terms in the description.

4. Symmetry the points.

Your post is ready and you have to hit the Publish button, thus you have your post right in structure only thing which is required now is the direction of the post. So if you have caught hold of the structure and the direction of the post. You addressed the most important issue faced by the authors so only job in hand with you is the content which are available in internet and books. But the books and internet can help you in research you have to rethink in the new angle of the given subject place your ideas in the whole of the post and you have a new post ready with you. What if you are unable to draft the post in the right structure?

The simple solution to this issue is write another post, post as many wrong posts on your website correct them all learn from the mistakes and write a better content next time. But if you are unable to understand the mistakes you should reread the posts which you wrote previously as a reader not as an author. And if you have more thinking as a reader you can deliver best contents of the web. Because you know what readers want and if the author knows what readers want your half battle is won. But if you are thinking that you start writing fantastic content from the first day you must be making a bigger mistake and mistakes is the only way you can learn in online world. If you want to write best content on the web you have to read a lot and write as much as you can, as much as you write your requirement to read will increase and slowly the understanding of writing quality content will improve. Best thing what i like about online authorship is you are speaking to a bigger audience and the best content reaches top of search results. Now moving to the next topic Priority of Page in Sitemap it is a unique topic which needs to be discussed in detail and we will see the ups and downs of this topic in hand.


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