Factors Affecting Google Page Ranking-35/200- Image Videos and Presentations

Image Videos and PresentationsImages, Videos and Presentation is now an important indicators of Google Search Engine for relevancy and thus Page Ranking. Multimedia contents are getting stronger everyday and are now key enablers to make Google understand what you are putting in the content. This is why description, alt text and title of the image has become really important for the SEO. In this article we will understand the use and the impact of the Image videos and presentations and how they are good for your website in all aspects.

When you are searching on the web how you click on a particular link despite numerous search result, below is the answer to it:-

1. Usually we read the snippet which tell us if the article or link is relevant to our requirement. So if you have a fantastic article with not so good description snippet you are loosing numerous number of visitors from Google.

2. When we open the link which thing attracts us to read the article, An Image or a Video or a Interesting Presentation. So you get the second tip which makes your article attractive for visitors.

3. How you read the article, Usually reader scans a post in place of reading because scanning make them understand what the author is talking about and is it fulfilling the requirement. And the speed of scanning depends on the opening paragraph of the page if you have a fantastic opening paragraph the reader will read or say scan slowly. An alternative to this is if you have a real eye catching image of the topic you have a brighter chance of people spending more time on the website.

4. Video is the fourth and an important factor because as soon as you put in a video in your article the chances of people viewing to the video of whatever minutes is fixed so you have a good chances of people making up the number of minutes you want them to spend on your website.

5. Eye catching description via a power point presentation as it is also a way when people step by and read the article cautiously and attentively as they know how much effort is required to build a presentation. And they respect your efforts, so you have a better chances of making them your permanent readers.

So these are the few points which are driving and holding the people to your page or the website. We can take note of some really other factors which are not in our control like the fantastic eye catching advertisements. With the advent of smart phones number of people who are browsing on mobile phones is increasing at super sonic pace and with this your opportunity to place your advertisements for mobile browser is an add on benefit. Image video and presentation has become so much hooked up thing for the webmasters that some of the website owners have job of building more and more of videos and uploading them in youtube so they can earn both ways by the ad requests on the websites as well as impressions happening on Youtube. The number of times the video is seen is a direct indication for many a readers to go through the complete video as per its popularity. So the number of views is equals to the popularity is the direct correlation which is understood by general readers. So if you are a webmaster in this current time the important is not only to write awesome content or doing SEO efforts but you have to be creative so you can place images, videos and presentations which keeps your readers engaged to your website. And find connect with the article idea but never to forget when you are placing a image file you should always keep the alt text and title and description portion field. Else it becomes difficult for crawler to understand the relevance of your image with the article.




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