Factors Affecting Google Page Ranking-46/200- URL Length

Length of the URL was considered immaterial by Google and by the SEO experts as it was previously thought that more descriptive the URL is better it is. But post the modifications in algorithms has made it a requirement that webmaster should restrict the size of the URL aka restriction in URL length. But also in this whole change a section of SEO experts divert from this Google update and has shown the logic that whoever puts in the content topmost keywords in the URL of any length will show up in the Google search engine at higher ranking. But the other section of SEO experts which were pro to changes stat that despite he description in URL if your URL length goes above the threshold length it is considered as suspected spammy links and will never reach the index of the search engine. In this whole debate one thing both sections of SEO experts agreed upon is to never keep the joining words in the URL, for which example is as below.

If you are owner of ABC.com and you are talking about the topic on “Various SEO Tools and there usage in the current Google Algorithm changes” your url could be like this http://www.ABC.com/various-seo-tools-and-there-usage-in-the-current-google-algorithm-changes.html but this is not an ideal as per SEO your title could be http://www.ABC.com/seo-tools-and-usage.html or may be you keep it short as http://www.ABC.com/seo-tools.html. So if you are building a url it is better to keep it as short as possible but should have all the keywords minus the joiner words. But there is a twist it is said by Google that if you are keeping the keywords and description of the URL clear and too the point you are going to get the pull of both Title and the URL keywords. Both these will pull in more and more readers which means an automatic high ranking in the search page. As the relevancy factor of a descriptive URL is higher as compared to ultra short URL. In this article we have seen the positive and the negatives of URL length and the debate on which SEO experts are fighting way out. But it will also be a matter of debate that if the URL length be compromised but if it is compromised with length then how about the relevancy factor.


Over to you

Which factor you give more weight-age to in deciding URL Length of your Post Relevancy or Length limitation?

If you are newbie it is fine if you select the URL length as per your own wish but when you are fighting way out with the top notch you have to be very careful in finding and fixing loopholes of these miniature size as well. It completely depends on you how you look at it and its importance in your online effort. But it is really important despite making a minute impact. Now over to next article we are going to look at the URL path and how it makes your page appear at a higher page ranking in Google search Engine. Now back to this article if you liked this article share it with others if you have used both the methods and want to add up to this topic please share your views in the comments box below.



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