1. Individual has left the organisation and the Organisation has to place a new successor after him.
2. The individual is sacked and the successor has to take the place hastly.
There is one more chance the individual is on Leave due to family exigency or on leave for holidays now a guy from his team has to replace him for a while.
Planning is pre deciding the course of action for the future instances. Now lets discuss what is Succession Planning. Succession Planning is an Individuals responsiblity to ensure he creates a backup of his own. I would rather say 2 Backups to maintain the redundancy and to ensure the proper work distribution. Hence whenever the Individual who is handling some job wants to be relieved the backups can take his or her place efficiently. This is possible only with the proper planning and preparing future managers. The Team, Department or company without sucession planning cannot survive the Peak and Troughs of time. This should start from the day an Individual takes up some responsiblity. More backups ensure easier life for the overburdened managers and individuals…..